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Our Products

plancy asia tech

Type – ERP Solution

Plancy Express Resource Planing

Application Key Features : Shipment Management Driver Management, Transactions Managemet, Merchant Management (Stores, Agents), Way Management, Cashback System States / Regions Management , Warehouses Management, Agency Management Content, Management Transport Management, System Customization, Pricing Management, Customer Management, Package Management, Driver Routes and Distance Management Google Map Integration, AWS S3 and CloudFront Integration, SMTP Bulks and automations, Realtime Notification REST APIs Data Visiualization, and Reports Smart Export (PDF, Excel and Image) … More features.
Server, Services and Cloud : Computing Features AWS EC2 or Lightsail, AWS RDS (MYSQL, Postgresql), AWS Cloudfront, AWS S3 Storage, Ubuntu OS or Amazon Linux Pusher and Firebase Cloud Messaging, AWS SNS, AWS SES, Able to use at all scalable instances effortlessly, Other instances like the above feature in Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AlibabaCloud and Digital Ocean more features for microservices…